Study in Belgium Universities Without IELTS

Study in Belgium Universities Without IELTS

Belgium is a country in Europe, and it’s in a group of countries called the European Union. It’s next to France, Germany, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands.

If you’re interested in studying in Belgium, there’s good news! Some universities there don’t require you to take a test called IELTS. IELTS is a language test that people usually take if they want to study in a country where English is the main language.

Belgium has some universities where you can study without taking the IELTS test. Also, scholarships are available for students from other countries who want to study there. Nine Belgian universities are considered good and are well-known around the world.

So, if you’re thinking about studying in Belgium, you can find universities that don’t ask for the IELTS test, and there are opportunities for scholarships to help make it happen!

The government in Belgium helps a lot with scholarships to pay for education. Many universities there don’t ask international students to take a test called IELTS. Instead, they might accept another test called Duolingo, which is easier and cheaper than IELTS. Here’s a list of universities in Belgium where you don’t need to take a language test:

[Insert List of Universities Without Language Tests in Belgium]

List of Universities to Study in Belgium Universities Without IELTS

  • Ghent University
  • Vrije Universiteit Brussel
  • University of Antwerp
  • ULiège
  • Hasselt University

You can go to Ghent University in Belgium for your studies without having to take the IELTS test. Ghent University is a big university where you can get a higher education without needing IELTS.

There are two requirements if you don’t have IELTS:

  • You must have completed a year of education in the institution with English as the instruction medium.
  • You should provide proof of the ability to communicate at least an intermediate level in the English language.

Recently the British Council has also introduced the IELTS One Skill Retake Scheme. In this scheme, you can improve your single-module score without retaking the full test.

Language Proficiency Alternatives in Belgium

  • Certain universities in Belgium might allow different English language tests, like the Duolingo English Language Test.
  • Check which universities in Belgium accept Duolingo:
  • You might show that you’re good at English by talking about your past education or job experience.
  • You can check with the university you’re applying to see if they accept an “English Proficiency Language certificate.” If they do, you can get this letter for free from the university or department where you finished your last degree.
  • Some universities may offer their own English language tests.

List of Belgium Scholarships for International Students 2024

Getting a scholarship is a great way to study without paying. Here are some of the best scholarships in Belgium for students from other countries.

Conclusion: If you want to study in Belgium, go to the websites of the universities there. Look for the admission requirements and check what they need for English language skills. You can also ask the international admission office for help. I hope this info helps you on your way to studying in Belgium!