France Seasonal Worker Visa (Process, Requirements)

France Seasonal Worker Visa (Process, Requirements)

The France Seasonal Worker Visa is part of the Long-Stay Salaried Employment Visa. This visa is well-liked, and I’ve explained it in detail in my earlier post on the France Work Visa Process. If you get this visa, you’ll be employed as a seasonal worker, which usually involves jobs in Tourism, Agriculture, Hospitality, Hotels, and Restaurants.

The seasonal worker permit lasts for three years and can be extended. However, you can work in France as a seasonal worker for a maximum of 6 months in any 12 months. To do this, you’ll require a long-stay visa and a multi-year residence permit that permits you to enter and stay in France. Additional information and the application procedure for the France seasonal visa are provided below.

About France Seasonal Worker Visa

  • Country: France
  • Who can Apply: Non-EU Nationals
  • Duration: Three Years, Renewable

Seasonal Activities in France

  • Fruit and vegetable pickers, farmers
  • Ski instructors
  • Hotel staff such as cleaners, guards,
  • Restaurant staff
  • Campsite staff
  • Lifeguards

Based on data about the French job market:

  • There are projections for 149,100 upcoming hires in the fields of winegrowing, arboriculture, and crop picking.
  • 88,200 for farmers and agricultural laborers. The majority of these scheduled hirings are for seasonal positions.

This information is taken from official reports on jobs in France and job websites.

Duration and Validity of Permits

You get a seasonal worker permit for three years, and you can renew it. However, you can only work for six months in seasonal jobs. For each new job, you need to apply for a new work permit.

ALSO CHECK: Japan Work Visa Process (Types and Requirements)

How do you apply for it?

A detailed guide outlining the step-by-step procedure for obtaining a France Seasonal Work Visa in the year 2024:

Step 1 (Job Offer from France):
The first thing to do is find a seasonal job using online websites.

Step 2 (Get a Work Permit):
Your employer will apply for a work permit for you with the authority in charge of foreign labor.

Step 3 (Visa for an Extended Stay and Residential Authorization)

  • You need to go to the French Embassy in your country and apply for a long-term visa to stay in France. (Here is a List of French embassies in the world)
  • From (Here) you can make an online Visa application. Book an appointment.
  • You’ll get a long-term residence permit that says “travailleur saisonnier” (seasonal worker).
  • Within two months of arriving in France, go to your local police station to ask for this multi-year residence permit as a seasonal worker.

ALSO CHECK: 2024 Guide to Obtaining a Seasonal Work Visa in the UK

Requirements for Seasonal Worker Visa

  • You need a real job offer from a French employer.
  • Your boss will request permission for you to work from the foreign labor authority.
  • Once that’s okayed, you’ll receive a work permit.
  • Go to the French Embassy and apply for the Long Stay Visa.
  • Remember, you can’t do seasonal work for over six months in a row.

Official Website Links

I hope this info is useful! Feel free to share it with others.


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